Kick-off meeting 27-28th 2023
E4Warning held its Kick-off meeting on February 27-28, 2023. The face-to-face meeting took place at CEAB-CSIC, Blanes, Spain. There the Coordinator, the WP Leaders and Co-leaders, and other researchers linked to the project, as well as the EC Officer and other guests, met. The first day was dedicated to analyzing organizational aspects and the different WPs. In each of them, the dependencies between tasks and with other WPs, possible barriers and mitigations, and the tasks to be deployed during the first year of the project were detected. On the second day, on February 28, 2023, the different case studies and work fields were introduced: both the marsh environments where field work will be carried out, to the urban environments in Europe, Brazil and Vietnam. Two parallel work sessions were held to discuss, on the one hand, the acquisition of vector and reservoir data, as well as field experiments; on the other, the different models that will be developed, the variables, covariates, spatial and temporal scales that must be covered. The day ended by sharing what was decided in these parallel sessions and the planning for 2023.